B2B Bots Archives - BotCore Enterprise Chatbot Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:03:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://botcore.ai/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/cropped-favicon-32x32-1-70x70.png B2B Bots Archives - BotCore 32 32 5 Chatbot Code Of Ethics Every Business Should Follow https://botcore.ai/blog/5-chatbot-code-of-ethics-every-business-should-follow/ Thu, 02 Aug 2018 20:40:00 +0000 https://botcore.ai/?p=118 5 Chatbot Code Of Ethics Every Business Should Follow Technological advancements and the world in general, are now moving at a quicker pace than ever before. Businesses are employing various technologies and processes in order to match customer needs and improve their experience. In current times, one of the most effective ways of improving customer […]

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5 Chatbot Code Of Ethics Every Business Should Follow

Technological advancements and the world in general, are now moving at a quicker pace than ever before. Businesses are employing various technologies and processes in order to match customer needs and improve their experience. In current times, one of the most effective ways of improving customer service is by deploying Artificial intelligence powered Chatbots.

One of the key benefits of chatbots is the freeing up of customer service agents from mundane tasks so that they can take up other important tasks thereby boosting productivity and efficiency. This can also help in reducing customer service costs, offering ease of operation in new geographies with speed and scalability, and most importantly providing a 24/7 service to customers.

While these are certainly great benefits, use of chatbots is also fraught with challenges to do with ethics for its use as these can help shape a customers’ views about their trust in the organization.

The subject of chatbot ethics is complex and includes a variety of areas like security, data ownership, misuse, and transparency.

1) transparency

Bots can easily be designed to simulate human interaction, so much so, that a customer may not even realize when they’re speaking to an artificial agent vs an actual human customer service representative. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the company to reveal to users that they may be conversing with a chatbot as opposed to a human.

Customers are definitely smart enough to distinguish between chatbot or human interaction. On the customer side, there is no expectation that the chatbot would have all the information on-demand, the least they expect is transparency about the virtual identity.

A little preface about the chatbot, how it can help, which data it stores and for what reason, can help make the procedure more transparent. Companies should also integrate the choice for users, to associate with a human in the event of further questions and/or emergency to emphasize trust and security.

2) upholding customer interests

Before deploying a chatbot, companies need to ensure that the chatbot is not serving your business goals at the expense of your customer’s interest. In order to customize a user or customer’s experience, recommendations should be based on the personal preferences of the customer rather than the company’s business interests. This is to say that the ethical thing here would be to uphold customer interests first.

Upholding customer interests would entail, selling products based on customer feedback, satisfaction and enabling the chatbot to adjust recommendations accordingly.  

3) data ownership

Chatbots gather a great deal of significant data from the consumers and ownership of this information can be an intellectual property issue. For instance, who would have rightful ownership of any new IP created with the help of a chatbot? The chatbot creator or the bot user. Companies should provide clarity and be transparent on the ownership of data collected by the chatbot. This can be done by providing the company’s terms of service to users and ensure they agree with it.

4) avoiding abuse

There should be a straightforward convention to avoid any spamming or misconduct on the part of the user by ensuring that the conversation is aborted promptly when such behavior is detected. Similarly, chatbots ought to be worked in to react impartially or aborting if there should arise an occurrence of oppressive or abusive language/conduct by users. A heightening reaction to such practices through human mediation ought to be provisioned in the event of any anti-social practices.

5) using information collected by the chatbots

Given our highly connected world, the protection of personal data is of high importance. All chatbot builts should offer its users the option to keep their information private or be able to delete their data. Therefore, any and all data gathered by the bot and imparted to different frameworks should be clear to the user’s and should have their knowledge and consent.

Despite the fact that chatbot technology is advancing quickly, the ethical issues related to privacy and consent should evolve as well with its development.


Ethics has to be a center thought of any action carried out by a business. With chatbots still in a phase of relatively early stages, the revelation of new ethics issues is probably going to continue. Chatbots are the future of customer service and several companies have recently started to comprehend their significance or understand their complete functionalities. Organizations should keep on learning from a new conversation and assemble their core values and moral ethics. If you’re unsure of incorporating all the above-mentioned ethics, starting by providing consistent transparency is the basic.

If you’d like some personalized guidance on following and incorporating chatbot ethics, feel free to get in touch with one of our Artificial Intelligence and chatbot experts for a complimentary consultation.

Exploring chatbot solutions? Learn more about Acuvate’s enterprise-ready chatbot builder platform, BotCore.

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, please feel free to get in touch with one of our experts for a personalized consultation.

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a guide to choosing an enterprise bot builder platform

The post 5 Chatbot Code Of Ethics Every Business Should Follow appeared first on BotCore.

4 Top B2B Chatbot Use Cases You Must Know https://botcore.ai/blog/4-top-b2b-chatbot-use-cases-you-must-know/ Fri, 06 Jul 2018 10:18:00 +0000 https://botcore.ai/?p=124 4 Top B2B Chatbot Use Cases You Must Know If you are wondering how to make your sales teams more efficient, leaner, highly predictable and motivated and reduce training costs, chatbots are the answer. This blog post will explore why. Chatbots are making headlines in the B2B marketing world as the next big thing to […]

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4 Top B2B Chatbot Use Cases You Must Know

If you are wondering how to make your sales teams more efficient, leaner, highly predictable and motivated and reduce training costs, chatbots are the answer. This blog post will explore why.

Chatbots are making headlines in the B2B marketing world as the next big thing to assist businesses in their efforts towards enhancing customer service. Artificial Intelligence (AI) bots are expected to transform how people and businesses interact with brands and services.

Their ability to provide personalized and contextual responses via a chat interface on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger or Skype and through virtual assistants like Alexa, Cortana etc. without the constant need for involvement of human agents is touted to provide immense cost savings.

And in addition to the cost savings, the trend of people preferring to get information via chat compared to a traditional phone call is increasing.

The advancements in  Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) enabled the evolution of intelligent bots that could provide responses in a very natural language tone.

From lead qualification to data gathering, and finally to closing sales or problem-solving, chatbots can indeed create engaging and unique experiences with excellent results across the board, all while saving B2B companies time and money. Here is how:



The road to get prospects to engage with a company on the website and turn them into serious customers is not a short one, but chatbots can be deployed at every stage to make it smoother in both B2B and B2C settings. A chatbot that can ask a website visitor the right questions and help them narrow down products or services that directly relate to their interests.

This eliminates the need to sift through content that is not relevant to the business or individual’s interests. Furthermore, bots can also analyze visitor patterns to help determine if they are likely a qualified lead, to begin with, saving the sales team precious time.

Chatbots facilitate a much faster sales cycle at every step of the way, but especially in the critical beginning stages. In turn, this reduces frustrations for your sales team and enables a much more seamless experience for prospects. Bots also make sales teams leaner and more productive by helping them chase better qualified leads, thereby reducing the sales training and direct sales costs significantly.

B2B Chatbot Example:

RapidMiner a B2B Technology company that provides analytics solutions deployed a website chatbot – MarlaBot, which asks relevant questions to visitors and determines their needs in a personalized manner.

The bot asks a series of qualifier questions starting with a simple “What brought you to RapidMiner today?”. This process cuts the wheat from the chaff and only the leads which are qualified will be connected to sales reps.

MarlaBot doesn’t completely eliminate the need for a sales staff, but it cuts down on their tedious workload and simultaneously collects data to improve future user interactions.

Other bots of these sort exist. Adopting them as sales assistants with a focus on helping human sales agents and customers alike, is key for their successful implementation.


Closely tied with lead qualification lies data gathering. Customers are not the only ones who must explore sources, process large amounts of information and then try to make informed choices. Sales teams also have to analyze data to figure out what the customers want or need, or to figure out the most qualified leads.

Especially when dealing with B2B marketing at a large scale, it is not possible for human agents to manually mine all of the relevant data, organize it, and also analyze it in order to improve services, target products to their desired audience, and tailor special approaches. Bots can automate the process of data management and can help human staff at mapping the data based on the changing organizational trends.


Chatbots can help an organization by improving the customer response rate around the clock. In other words, chatbots can give accurate, personalized and instant responses to common issues 24/7. Clients value this greatly, especially when checking for reliability and access information on products and services.

In addition, chatbots allow agents to focus on more complex customer service issues by handling a large volume of repetitive and basic queries without the need for interference.

Chatbots are customizable for different languages too, so it is not necessary to hire large numbers of staff who are fluent in many languages in order to assist clients from around the world. For these reasons, chatbots greatly reduce operational costs associated with the need to hire specialized staff or extra agents who need to be available at 24/7.

With the concept of data injection and machine learning, bots are learning faster based on the conversation they have  with multiple users.


Sales representatives need access to key metrics to make informed decisions during the sales process. Having a virtual assistant to provide this information immediately, at any time and from anywhere saves time and enables a data-driven decision-making.

Acuvate’s AI Sales chatbot – SIA, can be added to a company’s internal messaging apps for sales teams to chat with and get data from CRM, LOB and BI systems.

SIA can be integrated with multiple databases and answers queries quickly and in natural language. Sales teams don’t have to manually obtain the required information from multiple systems and they can focus on more critical aspects of the sales process.


In conclusion, B2B businesses are slowly realizing the potential of chatbots for customer service, sales, and marketing. Many B2B businesses have already deployed chatbots at least one of these business areas and exploring further use cases. At the very least, Chatbots can streamline the Lead Qualification process, greatly improve and speed up data gathering, enhance customer service, and simplify information access.

The use cases of B2B chatbots are endless and still emerging. If you’re planning to get started on your chatbot journey, you might be interested in our Build-A-Bot workshop in which we help enterprises capture the right bot use case and build a bot strategy. Alternatively, if you’re exploring different chatbot solutions, our enterprise chatbot builder platform – BotCore might interest you!

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, please feel free to get in touch with one of our experts for a personalized consultation.

Ebook 300x245
a guide to choosing an enterprise bot builder platform

The post 4 Top B2B Chatbot Use Cases You Must Know appeared first on BotCore.
